St. Regis Solar Hydrogen (SRSH2) is a leader in achieving zero carbon green hydrogen energy production for communities throughout Montana and the region.

Creating a clean hydrogen ecosystem across Montana to decarbonize industries for the betterment of all.


In 2022, Washington State governor, Jay Inslee, formed a committee to collaborate with key industry members, community, Tribal and others to lead a regional effort to respond to the U.S. Dept. of Energy (DOE) Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs program funding opportunity.


The Pacific Northwet Hydrogen Hub (PNWH2 Hub) will build the infrastructure necessary to form a hydrogen hub and integrate it into clean energy portfolios of Washington, Oregon and Montana. The hub’s efforts will help eliminate fossil fuels from the region’s transportation and electricity generation portfolio by 2045 and help achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.


In 2023, DOE selected the PNWH2 Hub as one of seven Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs across the country to receive $1 billion in funding. These hubs are part of nationwide effort to kick-start the hydrogen fuel sector. PNWH2 seeks to accelerate deployment of hydrogen infrastructure for successful, low-carbon intensity and economically viable hydrogen production to decarbonize hard-to-abate industries.


Montana will join Washington and Oregon to being a pioneer in the next chapter of clean energy through carbon free hydrogen production that can be used in numerous industries, specifically those who have heavy carbon emission such as air travel and other modes of transportation, by fueling them with hydrogen made with renewable energy, instead of fossil fuels.


St. Regis Solar Hydrogen (SRSH2) will work with PNWH2 to create a hydrogen production facility that utilizes solar power with clean water usage to produce zero carbon hydrogen fuel replacing carbon intensive processes in industries that are challenging to decarbonize to achieve the goal of improving the lives and futures of people throughout Montana.


SRSH2 has a Community Benefits Plan to ensure a broadly shared prosperity in the clean energy transition. By prioritizing community benefits, we can ensure the next chapter in clean energy is marked by high paying wages for historically underserved communities in Montana. Less environmental emissions coupled with high paying jobs is a success for Montana residents and communities.